Camille’s Blog of the Week 1/28/16
Camille’s Blog of the Week
Tree Care: Common Tree Diseases and What to Do About Them
Learn to recognize trees that may be affected by diseases or pests so you can quickly take action
We live in an age of rapid progression when it comes to diseases and pests that can plague our lovely trees. Over the past few decades, the United States has lost many canopy trees due to fast-spreading diseases and pests, such as Dutch elm disease and the emerald ash borer. Our ecosystems are all connected, and the trees in your yard can become infected and adversely impact street trees, nearby park trees and even the larger forests and habitats beyond. The good news is that foresters and arborists are actively researching tree pests and diseases and providing assistance and resources for homeowners in an effort to quell tree decline.
There are several very common diseases affecting trees right now, and it’s important to recognize their signs so that you can take quick action and help prevent their spreading. The suggestions listed here are based on a chemical-free regimen and a holistic landscape approach. You may see suggestions from others for fungicide or pesticide applications, but keep in mind that a chemical solution may not save a diseased tree in the long term, although it may be helpful in specific instances. Choosing to lose a tree is very difficult — especially an old, established one — but that’s a decision you may have to make to protect other nearby trees from becoming infected.
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