Written by Camille Hord
It’s finally a bright and sunny day after the gloominess of the past four days. I think spring is in the air. As I was driving to work this morning from one of the “President’s” streets that I live on, I pass Congress Park where I can see the Katrina Trask stairs that I used to climb everyday to go to St Peter’s Academy, and then I’m stopped at the light at the corner of Circular St and the end of Union Ave. As every morning, I look at the beautiful little sitting area where the bronze statue of Native Dancer is displayed. Mary Lou Whitney and John Hendrickson donated the cost of this area called “Centennial Park”, to celebrate Saratoga’s 100th Centennial. Going down Spring St. and at the stop sign I looked over at the Carousel that I remembered being at Kaydeross Park when I was a child. I Can’t wait until it opens for the season and all the kids are waiting enthusiastically to get on. Then I’m on Broadway and see dozens of people walking dogs, drinking their coffee, window shopping and I think, “What a great place to live and work.” I can remember in the 60’s when many of the store fronts had paper over the windows and “Downtown” was rather depressing after a couple of big fires in the late 50’s and early 60’s. It’s no wonder that Saratoga was named one of the “Best Downtowns in America”. Even with all the new buildings, Saratoga still boasts of History, Horses, and Healing Waters. That will never go away, and we should all feel blessed to live here. It is a very special place.