Get Ready for Summer with a Beautiful New Landscape!
Everyone wants to have an outdoor space that welcomes family and friends while at the same time placing your home on the list of favorite destinations people look forward to going to.
Here are some ideas to freshen your space:
1. Determine Landscape Needs vs. Wants
Make a list of needs and wants. Do you want a garden? Do your kids need a playground area? Do you want to install a pool? Would your family enjoy gathering on a patio? Create some sketches of the yard with thoughts of where you want things to be placed.
2. Think About Location
You might want to place a patio on the south side of your home, but it will get lots of afternoon sun, which means dinnertime in September could be unpleasantly hot. That is a common mistake in backyard landscape design for beginners. Your design should consider what the sun does at different times of the day and year.
3. Sit Down and Enjoy Your Landscape
Live with it for a while. Drawing on quick conclusions about your yard can lead to choices that do not work in the long term. After spending more time outdoors, you will start to see areas where you want to go and sit that you would not have thought of at first.
4. Start Small
A part of creating a landscape is slowly developing a plan and enjoying the process. First, start with a small flower bed. Go out and work on it for an hour or two when you have the time and worry less about filling everything up right away. Small progress will lead to big results for the long term.
5. Find a Focal Point
Any good garden design has a focal point, and it’s an easy principle to put in place. That may be a flower garden or a stunning tree or a series of shrubs.
6. Be Open to Change
Be honest about what is working for you and what’s not in your design. The change will allow your space to in the end become more functional for you.
Remember: Patience is key to landscape design for beginners. If all of that bare space is too much to look at, start small and create a space that you will love and enjoy in the long run!
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Written by Anonymous
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